The Fieseler FI-156 Storch made a surprise visit to one of Stoke Golding airfields renowned Stakeouts. Piloted by Peter Holloway the Storch was displayed in the air and on the ground an appreciative audience.
Grateful thank to Peter Holloway and the team at the Stoke Golding airfield
I set out in the morning to Stoke Golding airfield in Leicestershire. Initially to film a drone and ended up on something totally different, must never miss an opportunity.The Issacs Fury came in with a group of retired BA pilots off on a days jolly for the southern counties.
What I found so interesting was the beautiful worn look of originality and of course nostalgia.
Spent the day at Stoke Golding Airfield to film a drone but things didn't go to plan. As luck would have it a group of retired BA pilots turned up on a jolly.
One of the aircraft was a beautiful little Isaacs Fury II....... So change of plan from the original I pointed the cameras at the Fury.
This is a frame grab from the edit in progress, time allowing there should be a short published within the next couple of days :)
The frame grab are from a film in production at the moment. We"ve started to explore Red Gients Magic Bullet more with some fantastic results. The amount of control to produce the look and feel is amazing.