It’s been a while since I updated my blog, there hasn't been much time for my own work due to traveling and other projects. Over two months has past and a lot of air time and miles traveled, China, Malaysia and the States. Only one stop gave me time to explore and photograph the people and their culture Malaysia.
Back in March I was sent over to project manage an event in Kuala Lumper where I fell in love with the culture and people. When an opportunity came along to return I jumped at the chance. This time I would be on the road not held in one place, accompanied by an excellent guide and travel companion with a wealth of local and cultural knowledge.
Over the next few months I’ll try and publish examples of what we came across on our travels through many of Malaysia’s beautiful States.
I set out on this trip to capture the many faces and lives of the Malayan people, this was achieved in part but as with everything these day there are time limits.
Below are a few examples of the face’s and characters that we met on the way.